The top 5 sickest skateboarding world records
Emmy Schouten
Skateboarding has some of the coolest world records! All the best skateboarders in the world try to get on the list. Everybody that’s at least 16+ can submit their attempts for a record. It is like a worldwide competition. Guinness World Records keeps track of the skateboarding achievements. We’ll show you 5 of the most impressive skateboarding world records.
Highest ollie
Ollies are the go-to skateboarding trick. This of course makes it fun for a world record! Like the highest ollie possible on a skateboard. You have to raise all four wheels of the ground to complete it. Rules are that you have to get over a bar without the board or your body making contact with it. Aldrin Garcia currently holds the record. In Las Vegas he joined the Maloof High Ollie Challenge. He managed to hit 114.3 cm (45 inches)! Aldrin’s record is from 2011. That is 13 years without anyone beating it! Time for some new attempts?

Fastest skateboard
This record is shockingly fast. NEXTBoard created the fastest electric skateboard ever. This electronic longboard launched 32 old Mischo Erban over the concrete. He hit 95.83 km/h 59.55 mph)! It took them two years to built this beast. They broke the record in 2016 on an airport in Slovenia. Just take a look at the footage:
But that’s not the only fastest record Mischo broke. Mischo is also the fastest downhill skateboarder ever. In 2012, the Canadian flew down the mountains in Quebec. He hit 129.94 km/h (80.74 mph), even faster than on the electric board! In his own words, Mischo is attracted to speed and mastered danger. A world record-breaking combo.
Most distance travelled on a skateboard
For this record, you get 24 hours to get as far as possible. Just you and your board. In 2013, Andrew Andras travelled 431.32 km (261.8 miles) on his board! Cruising down the Miami-speedway, he set this impressive record. For women this record is held by Colleen Pelech. She travelled 269.08 km (167.2 miles) on her skateboard! She did so on the same date and place as Andrew. A historic piece of concrete.

Longest manual (wheelie)
Did you ever try to keep your manual going? Then you know how hard it is to manage your speed and balance. In 2017, Sean Glatts did the impossible in Solana Beach. His manual was 224.33m (735.99 ft) long! Lasting for 1 minute and 43 seconds. His combination of speed and skill was perfect. How long can you go for?

Largest skatepark
You can find the world’s biggest skatepark in Guangzhou, China! The GMP Skatepark is 16,900 square meters (182,000 square feet). That’s 130 by 130 meters. It has multiple bowl sections and every obstacle imaginable. The second largest skatepark is also in China. This one is located near 10 universities with more than 160,000 students. Would you visit GMP?